Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Santa Sightings | Whiskey Soaked

A late start today.

Headed back to the old lands; Hook.
Via Clapham. Via Woking.

A brisk dash to the empty Doctors surgery. John chatting beautifully.

Bing. My name's on the board. Into see the Nurse who, with a jovial smile, laid me down.
We chatted merrily about Christmas and the Amazon present her husband had bought her (she'd seen the parcels arrive).

My eyes shut. Wide shut. Deep breaths.
In (1, 2, 3) Out (1, 2, 3).
All over.
Plastered up.

Then -
- off to book another appointment to see 'my' Doctor next week.
On Wednesday.

We wandered through Hook. We eye-spied a Santa dinging a bell outside The W(h)ite Hart pub (It's sign currently missing the letter 'h'. Maybe Santa stole it?). Then a spot of lunch at Wild Herons.

Then back to the smoke.
London. S-w-e-e-t. London.

A detour to the fancy dress shop. John bought a monocle and a comedy mustache for (all) tomorrows part(ies). He's an Edwardian Apothecary.

Then home. The good old 123.
Moody lighting.
Sea Shanties curtesy of Paz (Andrew Paine) and a book. Tonight's read The Divine Comedy.

"Midway along the journey of our life
I woke to find myself in a dark wood,
for I had wandered off from the straight path".


Ellie said...

Not the Hook Tandoori, then? ;-)

rashbrm@mac.com said...

'Fraid not. What I do for a Hooked on Tandoori!

rashbrm@mac.com said...

*'What I'd do for a Hooked on Tan...' - that should be.

Also the Whiskey literally soaked me. I did not partake. I poured badly for @keyholesurgery aka. John. He's a Whiskey connoisseur.

Ellie said...

You should call him Whiskey! :)