Monday, 25 June 2007

moblog : Glastonbury 11

who are you?Sunday continued to rain, but our spirits were lifted by some great shows. Surprisingly, at this point the Shirley Bassey and The Who were both amazingly good. Shirley Bassey performed mid afternoon and showed us what 'show-biz' can be like. Warmly received.

The Who were later and it was raining quite hard. Still a great gig. Finished with a quick tropp around some of the late clubs but decdied to get back to the tent rather tahn see the dawn.

Actually the Vango has survived really well. No leaks and hardly any mud, unlike some of the others. Picking a spot away from the main areas helped.

I'm writing this on the coach back to Earl's Court. Managed to get one at 5.30 in the morning instead of 6. We've brought just about everything back, and because of the waterproofs, there is far less mud on clothes than one might expect.

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